The birds’ wellness is first and foremost throughout the raising. This is why the Ferme Aux Saveurs des Monts has developed unique procedures to counter diseases and contamination without the use of antibiotics and maintain proper biosecurity in the barns. The coops are assessed yearly by the PASAF (Programme d’assurance de la salubrité des aliments à la ferme / « Farm Food Salubrity Insurance Program ») to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
During processing, the veterinary inspection service of the MAPAQ (Québec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) supervises the operations at the slaughterhouse by verifying the state of each bird upon its arrival and after it has been eviscerated. All detected anomaly incurs the chicken’s confiscation and its removal from the food chain in order to guarantee the innocuousness of the meat.
The up to date equipment at the slaughterhouse, the refrigerated HINO 2010 truck and the refrigerated processing room at Ferme Aux saveurs des monts, which operates under provincial regulation, all ensure the cold chain throughout the whole process from the slaughterhouse to your food plate.